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April 2024 Group

What Are We Doing? How Do We Develop?

By covering 100 essential elements to be productive in the career world

We aim to improve our Presentation Techniques skills.

To achieve this goal, each participant prepares a presentation on the given topic and shares his or her knowledge.

Grup tartışması

The Way We Work

Our main goal is to improve the presentation skills of each participant.

To achieve this purpose

📌 Maximum participants on the given topic. He will prepare a presentation that will last 20 minutes.

📌The prepared presentation will be shared with the group on the specified date.

📌The change will be monitored by monitoring each presentation as V0, V1, V2.

📌He/she will have individual meetings for the presentations and be the devil's advocate, so to speak, and will be criticized for how the presentations could have been made better. The aim is to prepare the person for criticism and to benefit from the group's opinions in order to make a better presentation.

What After?

  • Participants will make a presentation in a live session on Linkedin and share it with everyone.

  • Each participant will become 100% aware of productivity by participating in the presentation of their other friend.

  • Each participant who makes their presentation on LinkedIn will receive a certificate and reference letter.

White Structure

Çalışma Anketlerimiz

Çok kıymetli katılımcılarımızın görüşleri herkes için çok önemlidir . 

Amacı paylaşmak ve birlikte gelişmek olan bu faaliyetlerde değerlendirmelere linkten ulaşabilirsiniz. 

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